Instantly post your resume to 30 leading jobsites! Instantly distribute your resume to our 15,000 registered recruiters! One simple form in 15 minutes will save 50+ hours of research & data entry time!
Job sites and recruitment firms are CRITICAL in finding your next job.
Did you know . . .
Over 97% of employers use job boards and recruiters to fill positions.
Submitting your resume to a couple of job sites and recruiters is not an adequate strategy. By only working with a few of these sites/recruiters serverely limits your exposure to the jobs available. Most companies can only afford to pay for access to one resume database. Are you in the right one to be seen?
Manually researching and submitting your resume to these sites and recruiters can take over 50 hours of your valuable time. Wouldn't that time be better spent interviewing?
We have standardized the information required by both the job sites and recruiters into one simple form that takes you less than 15 minutes to fill out.
Let us save you the time and headache by letting us distribute your resume today!